Christian Engels
General Manager AHK Services Eastern Africa Ltd.
+254 20 6633 000 Delegation of German Industry and Commerce for Eastern Africa has a strong presence in five Eastern African countries including Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Uganda and Rwanda. We also have a strong and constantly growing relationship with local governments and institutions, local entrepreneurs and well-established companies, business associations, German Embassies and institutions as well as German companies that are active in these countries. We are the first choice for business-related matters between Germany and Eastern Africa and vice versa.
The full spectrum of the service portfolio of the AHK is overseen by the Regional Coordinator who sits in the regional head office in Nairobi. This Regional Coordinator also works closely in cooperation with the Head of Regional Office in Tanzania and spearheads the preparations for another office set to open in Ethiopia.
As doing business and conducting trade is always a two-way street, all of the following mentioned activities are not only for German businesses towards the Eastern African markets but also apply for Eastern African businesses towards Germany:
General Manager AHK Services Eastern Africa Ltd.
+254 20 6633 000 Coordinator (Responsible for Rwanda, Ethiopia & Uganda)
+254 20 6633 000